The most dangerous gansters I know. . .
This is my sissy Elizabeth. She prefers the E to be silent. This is a girl you don't want come across in a dark alley. Don't be fooled by her smile and frail sickly look. After spending several years in a very dangerous gang followed by a 2 year prison stay for assaulting a police officer, she knows how to protect herself. And she is always packin' heat.
This is Fiona. Another great example of why you should never judge a book by it's cover. This girl knows what she wants and when she wants it and does not take "no" for an answer. She'll cut you!And this is my nephew Chase. He takes after his auntie Elizabeth. . . need I say more?
Sarah you really have a talent for this sort of thing. I know I lived with "lizbeth" for a while ...shes CRAZY.
Sarah has a very active imagination. Very entertaining though and people probably should be warned to watch out for people like me and Baby Chase - very dangerous.
who left that anonymous and creepy comment on your blog. watch out out.
on another note:
I'm pretty sure the creeper is lizbith.
Yes - It was Elizabeth and Kimmy better watch what she says about me or she is going to be on the s#*t list of a Dangerous Gangster. Ha ha!!!
I thought your sister preferred EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeelizabitch.
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