5 Things I Love
Alright, I'm going to try to do a "5 Things I Love" every Tuesday. It's Tuesday, here we go again. . .1- I love making and eating chocolate chip cookies! What makes my cookies different? Well I wasn't always good at making them, so I would just buy the break and bake. Nothing wrong with that. Break and bake cookies are delicious, quick and easy. Bu
t when you feel like baking, break and bake just doesn't cut it, you know? So I got to thinking "Why are these so much better than my made-from-scratch cookies?" I observed the ready made dough and thought "this is so much thicker than my dough." Duh, thicken up your dough, right? Well I did that by adding lots of extra flour at the end of mixing and tasting to see if it needed a little extra brown sugar or vanilla extract and TA DA, homemade cookies just as good as the pros. Oh and if you are like me with chocolate, double the amount of chocolate chips and/or chunks!
(The picture on the right says "Tear here to make sweet memories")
P.S. I LOVE making cookies for others so if you want some just let me know.
2- No picture for this one. Good thing too, I don't want to cause all you ladies to lust. I love Conan O'Brien. That's right L. O. V. E. love! I don't think I need to elaborate because the reasons are obvious. Who doesn't love a funny man? And yes, I find him very attractive.
3-Dressing Lexi up. This is the latest creation stripes, polka dots, and a leopard print bow in her hair. We're breaking all the "rules". You know what I say, No rules=Endless possibilities!
4-Mugs! Didn't know that I loved mugs until I started running out of room in our cupboard. I'll touch on some of my favs. Our wonderful friends Jess and Eddie came across the 2 San Fransisco mugs at a garage sale and thought of us. So glad they got them for us, I love love love them! The Brown and Blue Disneyland mugs I hold close to my heart. I bought them with the Disney dollars that Disneyland so generously gave me for my b day. It's written with the traditional font and they they are so beautiful in person. Pretty heavy and sturdy, the font is raised with a stitching printed on it. When you take a sip you see the beginning of Walt's speech on the opening day of the park "To all who come to this happy place, welcome" written inside. Makes me tear up every time I hear it. Disneyland and San Fran are 2 places that will never get old for me.
5- And now for my love/obsession. My day planner. Yes, I carry it everywhere. And I keep my checkbook in it and balance everyday and compare it to my online statement. If people tell me they don't keep a checkbook it makes me feel oddly sick. You can't count on the on line ledger, it sometimes takes a week for things to clear! What if you overdraw!?I also plan out our dinners for 2 weeks and write them in the "to do" section for each date. This really helps with not wasting any food and keeping the pantry and refrigerator clean and organized.
And duh, I write in all the days that I work, plans that I make, vacations etc. . .
What would I do if I ever lost this!?
Sarah, I had no clue you had OCD - I didn't realize this until your 5th favorite thing (which included writing out dinner for the next two weeks and balancing EVERY day). Actually, maybe you are okay and don't have OCD and I'm just picking on you. I do not EVER balance my check book. But I don't really use checks all that often, I use my credit card unless I'm buying gas (i'll use cash). I do give you huge credit though, organization and careful planning saves lives - ask any marine or naval cadet. ***also , you kind of convicted me regarding the balancing of checks and stuff. I just trust my bank (OCTFCU) and the electronic transactions online and all that jazz. I probably shouldn't because I'm sure they make errors, but I feel like that would drive me crazy to really monitor it all the time.
Your mentioning of cookies made me hungry for cookies. If I lived near you, I would truly take you up on the offer. I don't know if you watch "Throwdown" with Bobby Flay on the food network, but maybe you should watch it because he lost the chocolate chip cookie challenge to these girls in MA (i think that was the state), and he got poaned. Their cookies looked so good, and they were extremely thick as you had mentioned. They were larger than his too, but in thickness, not in width. They had walnuts and they didn't use vanilla extract, and used a combination of dark and milk chocolate rather than just one or the other. They sad the combo was nice, because all dark is too overpowering and all milk is too weak. Hopefully this can ameliorate your cause.
Anyways, I think you should write next week about Fantasy Football and your new affinity for the cardinals.
Good hearing from you as always Sars.
Peace like a river
Thanks Chaddy, Love your encouragement!
I did not detect any editing errors
Really Kimmy? Because in the Mug description it says "they they are so beautiful. . ."
You'd hope that Nick would show up on a list of 5 things you love.
Anyway, you're totally right about chocolate chip cookies. Most recipes don't require the optimal amount of flour and vanilla extract.
Something I do when I make cookies is let them chill in the fridge for an hour or so; this seems to "thicken" them pretty well.
that's what she said (to the last part of the last comment)
That's what who said?
I LOVE mugs too, I have an obsession with them!! I also like to have all different ones!
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